09 February 2012

(Still) Coloring Flamingos

... in first grade i went on a class field trip to the Los Angeles Zoo. I remember the class assignment upon returning was to draw a scene of what we liked at the zoo and write a sentence or two about it. I drew the flamingos. I colored them all but pink. Maybe i didn't have a pink crayon in my box; i still don't know the reason why i chose the flamingos, much less why i chose a multi-colored palette. I've recounted this moment time and again over the years: that day Mrs. Goldman called me to the front of the class, held up my [pencil and crayon on newsprint, 12"x18"] drawing while i explained why i chose the flamingos, and complimented a near accurate rendition of my rainbow-colored flock.

(I returned to the zoo--and the flamingos--today for the first time in almost thirty years, joining my brother WIlliam and 2 1/2-year old nephew Dominic. Not a lot of animals, but a lot of fun here. Next time, i'm taking my crayons!)

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