01 May 2012

Just Bees and Things ...

... and flowers for an overcast misty May Day. Instead of joining my L.A. proletariate peeps in the streets, i boarded the Black Pearl to babysit that swashbuckling Capt. Jack Sparrow, Yo Ho! (That's him with his "sword" peeking out beneath his chin--really a drumstick which he also uses to play the bongos. And, really, that's how my almost 3-year old nephew introduces himself: "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow!"). We were out for a brief treasure hunt outside when he stopped to point out this bee--apparently it had walked the plank and was still moving. We respectfully brushed it off the pavement and down into the dirt of the neighbors yard so as to not step on it as we commenced our one of many many sword fights today. "En guard!" 

Here's to his mommy and daddy, working parents of two, doing the toughest and greatest job there is. 

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